

◆ How did you study when you were a child ?

I was an almost diligent child for the age.
I was a kid who thought studying as just a puzzle or rather just a way of playing or something. I still love to study of course.
Generally studying something is not so popular for kids or even for adults as well but in my case, it seems just interesting intriguing puzzles.

◆ Do you like to plant ?

Honestly, or unfortunately I'm not interested in planting so much.
I think it sounds great to plant something and it seems to be fun in a way but, I just prefer taking photos or eating them to planting.
I adore the forms, textures and most of all, the colors of anything. I'm fascinated with such things and I always want to deal with it and create something beautiful from it. That's the reason why I quite don't take to planting so much.

◆ Do you love rain ?

I love rain surely, I also love a sunny day though.
There's humid air when it's rainy.
Rain drops are here and there.
Everything has its own glow it gets from the rain.
Besides the sounds, which is sometimes hard, and sometimes sweet and soothing.
I love the face and the voice of rain.

◆ Is your jog interesting and challenging ?

I don't think so unfortunately.
Currently my job is a temporary office worker in charge of creating a presentation data with computer applications. 
I realized that three months is quite enough to learn everything I want from this job. I've been doing this job almost for six month though.
What I mean is that this job doesn't require what I really want to learn.
So I'm planning to get a new job which requires English expression skills that I really want to learn.

We can learn from each and every kind of things, 
but both what you want to do and what you just should do needs to be balanced.

◆ why do you advertisement add music ?

The purpose of every advertisements is to catch someone's attention, put the information into his/her mind, and let him/her remind it at the moment he/she is just in front of the product.
Needless to say, music has incredible power to let someone remember it, and remind it. So of course everyone who's dedicated to advertisement definitely thinks that music is necessary for it.

◆How many languages do you speak ?

Currently I speak just a couple of languages.
Japanese is my mother tongue and I enjoy learning English.
I'm feeling the view when I listen, read, speak and write English is becoming even clearer ever since I started learning English. That has been giving me slight confidence these days.
Besides, if I get a bit more time to learn new things, then I want to learn French or Dutch in addition to those two.

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